Anderson, Erin

1st Grade Teacher

Mrs. Anderson has been at AJA since 2022. She grew up in Iowa, attended high school in LA, and then college in San Diego. After being a social worker for several years, she left the workforce to be with her young kids.

Nine years ago, she began working for Leander ISD as a teacher assistant. After the first year, she became a certified teacher and taught special education before coming to AJA.

What she likes the most about AJA is the sense of family and community, along with Kab Shab. She has three adult children, three dogs, a cat, and chickens! Empty nesting with her husband, James, includes travel when possible. They love fixing up their house themselves and are currently remodeling their bathrooms. Their greatest passion is dancing—they met dancing the West Coast Swing!

Her favorite quote is “Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical human on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.”

She has both her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Social Work from SDSU.